Cu intalnirea de astazi, 17.01.2022, debuteaza proiectul YUAB finantat de Erasmus+. Fundatia Filantropia Timisoara impreuna cu Asociatia MULTIKULTI si FORMA MENTIS si-au propus sa adreseze problematica bullying-ului si a discriminarii in randul tinerilor formand astfel, 9 lucratori de tineret specializati in combaterea fenomenului. Acest proiect cu data de incepere 1 ianuarie 2022 are o durata de 18 luni.
With today’s meeting, we mark the debut of the Youth United Against Bullying project. Fundatia Filantropia Timisoara together with Asociatia MULTIKULTI and FORMA MENTIS want to address the problem of bullying and discrimination amongst youth. In order to achieve better social inclusion, we will train 9 youth workers over the duration of the project, 18 months.